Voluntary Personal Accident and Medical Insurance

To get closer to a peaceful life, you need to build a solid plan to prepare for all possible risks. Then, participating in Personal Accident and Medical Insurance early on is considered an extremely practical solution. So what is Voluntary Personal Accidents and Medical Insurance? What kind of benefits are chosen by many people? Let’s find out with S4B Vietnam!

1. What is personal accident insurance?

Personal accident insurance is an insurance product that helps protect people’s health and lives against risks related to accidents. This is also a type of voluntary insurance, with the participation fee depending on current income situation. This allows insurance buyers to flexibly choose a satisfactory product package that both meets their protection needs and suits their financial capabilities.

2. What is voluntary health insurance?

Voluntary health insurance is a form of insurance provided by the State to support people with medical examination and treatment costs in case of illness or accident.

Voluntary health insurance (health insurance) participants must pay insurance premiums at the prescribed level and enjoy benefits when medical examination and treatment at medical facilities that have contracts with the health insurance fund.

What Is Voluntary Accident Insurance?

Voluntary health insurance is not mandatory, but is encouraged for people who are not subject to compulsory health insurance, such as farmers, workers, freelancers, the poor, near-poor people, and ethnic minorities,…

3. What are the benefits of voluntary health insurance?

Benefits of voluntary health insurance include:

a) Receive medical examination and treatment at medical facilities that have contracts with the health insurance fund according to regulations.
b) Receive payment of medical examination and treatment costs from the health insurance fund according to the prescribed level.

According to Decree 146/2018/ND-CP, the voluntary health insurance benefit level is 80% of medical examination and treatment costs within the scope of health insurance benefits. This means that voluntary health insurance participants must bear 20% of medical examination and treatment costs, unless exempted, reduced or supported according to the provisions of law.

c) Be issued a health insurance card with symbol number 3, valid for 12 months from the date of payment of health insurance premium.
d) Participate in health insurance in the form of households or individuals.
e) Participate in voluntary health insurance at any time of the year.

Understanding Insurance Types: Life, Health, and Personal Accident Insurance Differences

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4. Who are the participants of voluntary health insurance?

Participants in voluntary health insurance are those who are not subject to compulsory health insurance and are over 6 years old. Specifically, subjects participating in voluntary health insurance include the following subjects:

  • People who work part-time in villages, hamlets, hamlets, hamlets, villages, residential groups, quarters, and neighborhoods;
  • Domestic workers;
  • People participating in production, business and service activities without salary;
  • Cooperative members do not receive salaries or wages working in cooperatives or cooperative unions;
  • Poor people, near-poor people, ethnic minorities, people with meritorious services to the revolution, caregivers of people with meritorious services to the revolution, people with disabilities, the elderly, children over 6 years old, women in difficult circumstances especially difficult;
  • Participants in socio-political organizations, social organizations, professional organizations, economic organizations, and other organizations;
  • Freelancers, people working without a labor contract, people working under a short-term labor contract, people working under an incomplete labor contract;
  • Foreigners working and living in Vietnam;
  • Vietnamese people working and living abroad;
  • Vietnamese people with foreign nationality working and living in Vietnam;
  • Vietnamese people with foreign nationality working and living abroad;
  • Vietnamese people without nationality working and living in Vietnam;
  • Vietnamese people without nationality working or living abroad;
  • Citizenless people working and living in Vietnam.

5. Method of paying voluntary health insurance

Voluntary health insurance payment methods are ways that people can choose to pay annual health insurance fees to enjoy benefits when medical examination and treatment. There are 6 forms of voluntary health insurance payment as follows:

a) Monthly payment: Participants pay any day of the month.
b) Pay every 3 months: Participants pay any day within 3 months.
c) Pay every 6 months: Participants pay any day during the first 4 months.
d) Pay every 12 months: Participants pay any day during the first 7 months.
e) Pay once for many years to come but not more than once every 5 years: Participants pay once for many consecutive years, up to 5 years.
f) Pay online through the National Public Service Portal: Participants register and pay health insurance fees online through payment channels linked to the National Public Service Portal.

Above are shares from S4B Vietnam about Voluntary Personal Accidents and Medical Insurancee. S4B Vietnam hopes to bring you useful information. If readers have any questions, please contact S4B Vietnam customer care hotline directly for support..

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