Regulations on submitting Value Added Tax Declaration in Private Enterprises

Currently, there are two methods of calculating VAT: the direct tax calculation method and the deduction method. Accordingly, tax declaration documents will be different for each method (The file templates listed below are specified in Appendix II issued with Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC). Value Added Tax declaration as follows:

I. VAT declaration documents for private enterprises

1. VAT declaration dossier for direct tax calculation method on revenue

For private enterprises that apply the direct tax calculation method on revenue, whether the enterprise declares VAT monthly or quarterly or each time it arises, they must pay:

  • Value added tax declaration (according to Form No. 04/GTGT).

2. VAT declaration documents for the direct tax calculation method based on added value

Private enterprises with activities of buying, selling, and processing gold, silver, and gemstones must calculate VAT using the direct method on VAT and declare monthly/quarterly, then submit:

  •  Value added tax declaration (according to form No. 03/GTGT).

VAT Number and VAT Registration

3. VAT declaration documents for deduction method

3.1. Monthly and quarterly VAT declaration dossiers for production and business activities:

  • VAT declaration according to form No. 01/GTGT: applicable to private enterprises that calculate tax using the deduction method and have production and business activities.
  • Appendix table of allocation of VAT amounts payable to localities where enjoy revenue from hydroelectricity production activities (according to Form No. 01-2/GTGT).
  • Appendix table of allocation of VAT amounts payable to localities that enjoy revenue from computerized lottery business activities (according to Form No. 01-3/GTGT).
  • Appendix table of VAT allocation payable to the locality where the revenue source is enjoyed, except for hydroelectric power production activities and computerized lottery business activities (according to Form No. 01-6/GTGT).
  • Temporarily submitted VAT declaration on revenue according to Form 05/GTGT: applicable to private enterprises that calculate tax using the deduction method and have construction and real estate transfer activities in a different provincial area. where the head office is located but no dependent unit or business location has been established.

Value-Added Tax (VAT): A Guide for Business Owners

3.2. Monthly and quarterly VAT declaration dossiers for investment projects eligible for tax refund

VAT declaration according to Form 02/GTGT: applicable to private enterprises that calculate tax using the deduction method and have construction and real estate transfer activities in a provincial area other than the area where they are headquartered but do not establish dependent units and business locations.

3.3 Notes for Value Added Tax payment dossiers for private enterprises:

For private enterprises with many business activities, a joint declaration must be made on one tax declaration, except for the following activities, where a separate VAT declaration must be prepared for each of these activities:

  • Construction lottery activities, computer lottery activities.
  • Trading and processing of gold, silver and precious stones.
  • Collection activities are assigned by competent state agencies.
  • Having an investment project eligible for VAT refund: must prepare a separate VAT declaration dossier for each investment project; At the same time, the VAT amount on goods and services purchased and used for each investment project must be offset against the VAT amount payable (if any) on business activities being carried out in the same tax period.
  • Private enterprises that are assigned to manage business cooperation contracts with organizations but do not establish their own legal entities shall make separate tax declarations for business cooperation contracts as agreed in the business cooperation contract.
  • Real estate transfer activities of infrastructure investment projects, houses for transfer (including cases where advances are collected from customers according to progress) where the place of operation is different from the province or city where the business is headquartered

II. Where to submit tax returns

Tax authorities directly manage private enterprises, specifically for:

(i) In case a private enterprise has many business activities in many provincial areas other than the province or city where its head office is located:

  • VAT declaration of investment projects eligible for VAT refund at the place where the investment project is located.
  • VAT declaration for real estate transfer activities of infrastructure investment projects and houses for transfer (including cases where advances are collected from customers according to progress) at the place of operation.
  • Declare VAT at the location where the power plant is located.

(ii) In case there are activities and businesses in many other provincial areas where the private enterprise has its headquarters, centralized accounting is performed at the headquarters or head office management tax agency.
At the same time, private enterprises must submit a Table of allocation of tax payable (if any) according to each provincial area where they receive state budget revenue (including dependent units and business locations) for The tax agency manages the headquarters.
In addition, if your business wants to learn about Value Added Tax payment, please contact us immediately for advice:

>>>Read more: Tax audit income tax vietnam 2024

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