Mistakes when designing a career path for employees

Building a career path for employees is a specific career development plan that helps employees clearly visualize their career path. From there, each individual will have a direction to improve their skills and professional qualifications during the work process. This article will help readers understand the true nature of building a career path so that businesses can increase their opportunities to attract and retain talent.

1. What is a career path for employees?

A career path is an orientation diagram for employees to help them visualize their career development path from a low position to the highest job position they can achieve in their career path.

With a career path, employees will see the development potential of the job they are undertaking, thereby creating motivation to work and helping to maximize the capacity of the staff.

Top Mistakes To Avoid In Your Career Planning

2. Why do businesses need to design a career path?

A business that invests in building a systematic career path will bring great values to employees and the organization, specifically:

Reducing the rate of resignation and improving commitment to the organization
Improving employee performance
Attracting talent in the labor market
Creating motivation to improve employee skills and expertise
Helping employees have a clear sense of work goals
Increasing core values in corporate culture: focusing on employees
Increasing the employer brand for businesses with other employers

3. Misconceptions in designing a career path

3.1. Only large companies need a career path for employees

The “taste” of employees has also changed and they expect more from businesses. Not only are benefits attractive and working conditions as good as before, employees also pay more attention to opportunities to develop skills to ensure career stability.

So clearly, in addition to meeting the needs of employees in terms of benefits and working environment, a clear career roadmap, with a complete roadmap framework, job description, performance standards and accompanying training plan will be a strong and convincing demonstration of professionalism, commitment of the business owner, as well as ensuring the long-term future and development of employees in the company. And when the financial disadvantage is greater, non-financial tools such as employee career roadmaps are more and more places for business owners, especially small businesses, to demonstrate their spirit of recruiting talented people.

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3.2. Building a career path is the job of the human resources department

The process of building a career path in a business requires multi-dimensional participation and coordination from departments and especially the decisive role of business leaders. Business leaders have knowledge and vision of how the field will develop in the future, the company’s goals as well as the corresponding jobs and skills to ensure that goal.

In addition, the career path still needs the participation of the employees themselves. In a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 1999, two researchers Mackenzie & Arnold (3) said that today, workers have a high level of autonomy in deciding their careers.

3.3. Lack of training plan

A career path without training can erode trust, stagnate changes in employee productivity as well as waste in training.

In terms of methods, it is possible to send employees to study or organize courses with experts at the company. In practice, hands-on guidance and practical experience are also considered training. Reading books and building a reading culture at the workplace is a form of non-traditional training that is supported by many businesses because it helps employees improve their general knowledge at a reasonable cost.

3.4. Career path is immutable

For the company, change and development are also inevitable. The company may establish new projects and departments to explore and exploit new business opportunities. In addition to recruiting new personnel, transferring old personnel with experience and understanding of corporate culture is an option considered by many leaders.

Therefore, the career path, even after being agreed upon between employees, HR department and management levels, is not a “dead document”. The path needs to be regularly evaluated and updated to keep up with the development of the job.

In short, career paths are essential for all businesses, including small businesses. Designing a career path is not only the job of the HR department or the leader, but employees need to actively participate. The design of the path needs to be based on the employee’s capacity to orient appropriate development. The corresponding training plan will strengthen the employee’s confidence in the path. The path needs to be regularly updated so that employees can respond to ever-changing work.

If you need to use the service or need further advice on designing a career path for employees, please contact us directly via hotline + 84 24 3974 4181.

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