Improve operational efficiency by using outsourcing and dispatching services

Outsourcing human resources is considered a “key” to help restaurant owners, cafes, or other F&B businesses perfect the recruitment process, optimize costs and effectively coordinate human resources. In the context of the increasingly growing and fiercely competitive industry, optimizing the human resources recruitment process and ensuring service quality is the top goal of every business. Join SMART SOLUTION FOR BUSINESS COMPANY LIMITED (S4B Vietnam) to learn more about this new solution – labor outsourcing contract!

1. Labor management work

By outsourcing all labor management activities, such as payroll, you can reduce your staff’s workload. In particular, tasks such as recruitment management and job acceptance and termination procedures at the company will become more complicated and burdensome as the number of employees increases. If you pay attention, you may be overwhelmed by daily work and may not have enough time to think carefully about human resource policies. Therefore, by outsourcing specialized skills, you will be able to spend time on tasks that only in-house employees can do, such as organizational development and strategic planning.

2. Recruitment

There is a service that allows you to outsource the entire recruitment process without having to skip any steps, which is a job outsourcing consultancy service called “RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing)”. You can request from the first to last stages of recruitment, such as gathering information about potential candidates, arranging interviews and following up on hired candidates. By using RPO, you will be able to drive recruitment accurately and effectively.


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>>>Read more: The trend of top job outsourcing consultancy in Vietnam

3. Accounting profession

By outsourcing your accounting work, you can reduce costs and workload. Accounting work requires specialized skills such as monthly bookkeeping, year-end adjustment work, and settlement work. Many companies are facing challenges, such as the inability to find professional accountants and difficulties in hiring and training them. Outsourcing accounting personnel that require specialized skills will help you feel secure in completing your work without being affected by labor shortages, while also reducing your worries about recruiting and training employees.

4. IT operations

IT operations such as system maintenance and operations, HelpDesk, etc. also suitable for outsourcing. Depending on the company, due to labor shortage, an IT worker may fall into the situation of having to take on both jobs. Sometimes in the case of work that requires focused response, if not responding promptly will lead to complaints.

5. Sales and sales operations

Sales and customer care are jobs that need to be performed under the direction and management of employees to directly link with the store’s services and brand. In situations where sudden response requests are not included in the documentation, the presence of on-site staff will allow you to report immediately and respond promptly. Since the rules change frequently, it is appropriate to dispatch personnel to facilitate face-to-face communication. By dispatching personnel, it is possible to flexibly respond to increases or decreases in the number of personnel, such as only increasing the number of personnel during events such as sales through labor outsourcing contract.

6. Planning – research and development operations

Dispatched labor is suitable for jobs that the employee needs to perform thoroughly, such as research and development work, planning work, and product/service development. In a situation where immediate communication is possible, it will be easier for you to exchange opinions and planning and research and development will proceed smoothly. Ensuring human resources with specialized skills and market knowledge is relatively difficult, and many companies have difficulty hiring and training them. For dispatching work, the job outsourcing consultancy company such as SMART SOLUTION FOR BUSINESS COMPANY LIMITED (S4B Vietnam) will select the personnel you are looking for, so that you can immediately use them as a member of the project.


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7. Marketing operations

It can be said that outsourcing this function is very difficult because marketing activities are related to the company’s decision making. Even in the spirit of avoiding information leaks, we should still allocate human resources and conduct work within the company by outsourcing human resources. With dispatched labor, it is possible to ensure human resources with marketing knowledge without the company itself having to recruit.

8. Launch a new project

In situations where the situation is constantly changing, such as when launching a new project, outsourcing communication support may be appropriate. Company employees and outsourced employees can easily understand each other, making work more convenient. When launching a project, you may suddenly need a lot of staff. SMART SOLUTION FOR BUSINESS COMPANY LIMITED (S4B Vietnam) job outsourcing consultancy can handle the recruitment of a large number of people, so it is very suitable in times when recruitment is not timely.

In addition to applying technology to human resource management, a solution that is attracting the attention of industry giants is outsourcing personnel, especially in positions with limited resources.


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